perm filename ACCEPT.CMU[NOT,DBL] blob sn#208294 filedate 1976-03-30 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
.LTR(Professor Joseph Traub)
Department of Computer Science
Carnegie-Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213


Dear Professor Traub,

Thank you for your letter of February 25.
I accept with great pleasure the offer 
of an assistant professorship
outlined in that letter.

My visit confirmed the desirability of such a position,
and therefore I can accept without hesitation.
Let me also take this opportunity to thank you for 
your role in
that enjoyable visit to

Incidentally, my wife and I are planning to spend some time in Pittsburgh
at the end of May or in early June, to arrange housing and to try to find
a position for her (Merle is a marriage counselor).
We hope to see you then.